This will be a 2 session lecture. During the first session, the lecturer will seek to explain a systematic
approach to characterize, constrain and validate models related to fractured well performance through
integration of prefrac diagnostic injections, core data, independently-determined fracture dimensions,
and postfrac production data. The final objective is to build predictive models that can be used to improve
completion strategies in Vaca Muerta unconventional formation. The final session will introduce new concepts
that can be used to select Proppant for Unconventional Reservoirs. The main discussion will focus to answer
the following question: Which factors drive our decisions?


Jorge Ponce, is a Sr. Leader in Completion and Stimulation Engineer working for Wintershall Holding GmbH.
Experience in Drilling and completions including stimulations and production operations and well testing. He is
an active member within the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). He developed and taught numerous custom
made courses on unconventional reservoirs. He earned an Chemical Engineering degree at San Juan dos Bosco
National University, Project Management degree at Belgrano University and Executive MBA at IAE.
Hernan Buijs, is a Sr. Reservoir Engineer working for Wintershall Holding GmbH. Experience in reservoir
characterization, formation damage and reservoir stimulation, with a deep involvement in the area of hydraulic
fracturing complex HP/HT reservoirs and all related technology. He is an active member within the Society of
Petroleum Engineers (SPE), currently serving in the Completions and Management and Leadership Advisory
Committees. He developed and taught numerous custom made courses on hydraulic fracturing and reservoir
characterization. He earned an Industrial and a Petroleum Engineering degree at ITBA.

Fecha: Martes 29/05

Acreditación: 12.15 horas
Conferencia: 12.30 horas

Lugar: Aula Magna del ITBA, Av. Eduardo Madero 399, Bs. As.

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