Fecha: Martes 22/05
Acreditaciones: 11:15hs.
Lugar: Auditorio de Techint, Carlos María Della Paolera 222, CABA
Ray Flumerfelt, Director, Permian Engineering at Pioneer Natural Resources.
OmkarJaripatke, Completion Engineering Manager, Permian Asset Team at Pioneer Natural Resources.
Coordinador de la mesa:
Gervasio Barzola, VP of Strategic Planning and Field Development at Pioneer Natural Resources
Gervasio Barzola
VP of Strategic Planning and Field Development for the Permian assets. Joined Pioneer in 1997, after 9 years with OXY. He led the subsurface team in the Eagle Ford Shale. He participated in multiple conferences about “shale plays” in USA, & Latin America. Co-author of AAPG Memoir 110 about the Eagle Ford Play. Born in Cordoba, Argentina, graduated in Geology from Cordoba University in 1988.
Ray Flumerfel
Responsible for reservoir engineering studies, completions optimization, and production enhancement. Mr. Flumerfelt has over 20 years of experience in various technical and leadership roles, with a strong emphasis on reservoir engineering and unconventional reservoirs. Prior to Pioneer, Ray worked for a variety of companies including Shell, S.A. Holditch& Associates, and Schlumberger. Ray has BS and MS degrees in petroleum engineering, both from Texas A&M University.
Completion Engineering Manager for Permian subsurface team. He has extensive experience of completion design and optimization of both conventional and unconventional plays. He has been instrumental part of completion optimization & well spacing programs at Pioneer. He currently, leads at team that is focused on, completion design, optimization and modeling of the Permian basin field development. Mr. Jaripatke started his career with Halliburton and worked “world – wide” in several management and technical positions. He was with EnCana Oil and Gas prior to his position with Pioneer. Omkar graduated with an Energy MBA from the University of Oklahoma in 2016. He also has a M.S. Chemical Engineering degree from the University of Wyoming in 2000. He has authored / co-authored 12 technical papers and has given presentations at various industry conferences over the last 18 years. He has taught several industry training workshop classes in well fracturing and cementing
Permian Completion Design and Optimization Program overview
Identification of geological and reservoir characteristics of an unconventional shale play is critical to its successful field development. Once the geological and reservoir characteristics are understood, optimal development is significantly dependent on the completion design and the associated well spacing program. In case of an unconventional multi-stack horizontal shale play, such as the Permian Basin, the continuous refinement of completion designs is necessary to account for specific lithology of the target formation and/ or area.
A comprehensive completion design optimization plan is needed to effectively harness the resource-in-place. The plan needs to account for the variations in the geology, hydrocarbon types, yield, true vertical depths, etc. within the asset. An optimum completion design will be different for rocks with various geologic and reservoir properties. It is equally important to realize that different completion parameters have varying effect on the well performance and the well economics. It is a challenge for an asset team to develop an optimized completion plan by testing different completion parameters in different geological regions within an asset. Rigorous scientific evaluation, modeling and economic analysis is needed to determine the actual effect of a completion parameter on well performance. A change of a completion parameter may result in better well performance, but the net incremental cost associated with making that change might not be the best economic decision.
Details of the workflow and case studies of the Permian multi-stack design optimization plan are presented. Information presented in this paper will help multi-disciplinary asset teams, consisting of engineers, geologists, and management; design a workflow for selecting appropriate multi-stack optimized design solutions for their individual shale assets
Production and Pressure Data Analysis in the Permian Basin
With a resource potential of more than 75 billion b¬arrels oil equivalent (BBOE), the Permian Basin shales have become largest and most active resource play in North America. Pioneer Natural Resources, one of the leading operators in the Permian, has drilled and completed over 1,000 horizontal shale wells and they have installed downhole pressure gauges in the majority of their wellbores. This presentation will discuss how Pioneer is leveraging this dataset using rate transient analysis, pressure transient analysis, and other techniques to better forecast production and make more informed field development decisions.
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