Mr. Mark A. Murray, joined Sage Rider in August 2019. He has 36 years of well-rounded petroleum engineering experience with emphasis in reservoir engineering in both conventional and unconventional reservoirs with primary focus on pressure analysis. Prior to joining Sage Rider Mr. Murray worked unconventional reservoirs for Pioneer Natural Resources in south Texas and the Permian Basin. He has designed and analyzed all types of well tests for oil and gas reservoirs around the world including specialized unconventional reservoir testing, on-site drill stem test supervision, and has authored/presented technical papers and well testing courses for both conventional and unconventional reservoirs. Mr. Murray holds a B.S. in Petroleum Engineering from Texas A&M University and is a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Pressure analysis (PTA, RTA) in conventional reservoirs has historically assumed normal diffusion with Darcy flow. These assumptions do not effectively explain the behavior of unconventional reservoirs.
Recent developments show anomalous diffusion following power law behavior better represents the flow in unconventional reservoirs. By using the power law approach new analysis techniques have been developed to provide better, quantifiable relationships for reservoir development decisions.
This introduction to unconventional reservoir pressure analysis will:
1) Provide basic theoretical background for power law based analysis
2) Show the ability to quantify varying levels of connectivity
1) Connectivity between wells
2) Connectivity between a well and the fracture system
3) Reservoir quality
3) Describe types of well tests used to evaluate connectivity
1) Interference tests
2) Pressure build-up tests
3) Post frac hit falloff tests
4) Rate transient analysis
4) Show basic concepts of how to utilize analysis results for well spacing and completions decisions for
field/area development
Fecha: Miércoles 4 de diciembre
Horario: 11:30hs.
Lugar: en el aula 122 del ITBA Sede Madero, Av. Eduardo Madero 399, 2° piso del Edificio Anexo, Ciudad de Buenos Aires
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