Fecha: jueves 11 de mayo, 2023 a las 11:00h (GMT -3)

Participación híbrida, in-person y virtual on line.


Talk about O&G applications for AI, machine learning, big data and the rest gets louder by the year.  Where is the value coming from?  How do reserves and reservoir engineering fit in?  This presentation will focus on promising areas of analytics for reserves and evaluation work, how they integrate with other upstream disciplines, and real-world barriers to adoption.

Zack Warren is a data analytics leader and reservoir engineer with over 18 years of experience. In 2021, he founded Velocity Insight to be a full-stack, full-function data management/analytics consulting firm focused on upstream oil and gas. Most recently, he was the Director of Strategic Studies & Analytics at Great Western Petroleum, leading data analytics and reservoir characterization efforts. He started his career at ExxonMobil, with additional experience at Netherland, Sewell, & Associates and various tight oil operators. Zack is a professional engineer in Texas and Colorado, a member of SPE, and serves on the Board of Directors for the Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engineers International. Ask him about his 300-horsepower station wagon.